“ We are not human beings on a spiritual path, but spiritual beings on a human path. ”
A walking Meditation
The power of walking the path of the Labyrinth is in its simplicity. The Labyrinth presents an orderly path to quiet the mind. Stop, relax, and breathe deeply at the entrance. Begin walking slowly, following the winding path toward the center. As you walk, your body moves into a peaceful rhythm of contemplation. When you reach the center, pause for a few moments and focus your attention on what you are feeling and thinking. As you leave the center, follow the same path outward. This is a time to consider what insights were received in the center and how they may be applied to your life.
To build a labyrinth is to create a sacred space. To walk a labyrinth is to imbue it with power and meaning. The more a labyrinth is used the more powerful it becomes. We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from this unique experience.
Individuals on Self-Guided walks are welcome anytime. Group Events destroy the serenity and seriously weaken the positive values of the Labyrinth. Guided Meditative walks are available.
This ancient design dates back more than 4,000 years. Also known as the Cretan Labyrinth, it is associated with the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. The ancient Native American Hopi Labyrinth is nearly identical in design and is still used today. Historical Christianity also made use of the design because of the cross at its starting point. This Classical Labyrinth design is found in many churches in Europe.
Our choice of positioning for the Labyrinth was guided by Ms. Taffy Lanser of Cave Creek, Arizona. She is an Associate of the International Labyrinth Society. Using the natural earth energies of our hilltop, she located the center position, the entry point and determined that the first turn should be to the left.

Hilltop Labyrinth
You are encouraged to walk in silence.
If you meet another person on the path,
simply step aside and pass with respect.
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